




Summary, questions, thoughts, connections

  • It is informative but not very fun to read
  • City planning is ultimately an art rather than science as it mostly deal with people and is performed by people.
  • 有些城市规划的从业者就希望有大政府,一个个零散的区大小的政府就很难协调大型的工程。这点在美国就是一个问题,而在国内就完全不是一个问题。


Informative but not fun to read.

It is also a tour guide book that listed some fun places for us to visit or visit in imagination in future.

City planning is a civil service usually provided by government so a lot of the issues and arguments are similar to the discussions around government in general. Should we have a big or small government? Should the government focus on fast development, or equality, or well being of future generation?

Highlights / Quotes


Page 42 @ 26 June 2024 09:28:21 PM

Corbusier’s Radiant City of high-rise towers in a park or the diametrically opposite Broadacre City of Frank Lloyd Wright


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super city Arcologies proposed by Paolo Soleri in the 1960s and 1970s

Paolo Soleri 的一些设计很奇妙,让人有点想到之前玩过的一个也算蒸汽朋克的解密游戏Machinarium

Europeans plan new American cities

Page 47 @ 29 June 2024 11:01:30 PM

were to orient the grid to the prevailing winds for good ventilation


Gridded for growth

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By the twentieth century, a street pattern that varied from the grid signaled a neighborhood or suburb with social aspirations,

Blight and urban renewal

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allow forced acquisition of a non blighted house to support the expansion of a specific pharmaceutical company.


The Jane Jacobs revolution

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Jane Jacobs shook the foundations of urban planning with The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961).


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1970s and 1980s developer James Rouse turned from suburban malls to pioneer the “festival marketplace,” repurposing historic buildings such as the Faneuil Hall Market in Boston and building Harbor place in Baltimore


Horton Plaza in San Diego. It is a contrived environment,


Page 91 @ 07 July 2024 07:59:02 AM

Vancouver and Salt Lake City both hired Moshe Safdie, Denver signed Michael Graves, Minneapolis commissioned Cesar Pelli, and Calgary called on the design firm Snøhetta.

Planning for the middle class

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New York usually gets the credit as the first American city to adopt comprehensive zoning

The dynamics of inequality

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gentrification—a term originally coined to describe the transformation of London neighborhoods


Alternative voices

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Sandercock’s arguments would have resonated with John Stuart Mill, who wrote in 1848, “it is hardly possible to overrate the value, in the present low state of human development, of placing human beings in contact with persons dissimilar to themselves, and with modes of thought and action unlike those with which they are familiar. Such communication has always been one of the primary sources of progress

The organization of regional planning

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Portland, Oregon’s, Metro is the only elected regional government in the United States,

Urban containment and growth management

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Adirondacks Park in New York, Pinelands National Reserve in New Jersey

Megaregions and superregional development planning

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Boston–Washington corridor as an interconnected urban complex Maybe longer than 400 mi?

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$13 billion bridge connecting Hong Kong, Zhuhai, and Macau. The goal is to help the region transition from lower-value export manufacturing to innovative and high-tech manufacturing

How can roads help the transition?

Chapter 6. Nature in the city

Page 162 @ 13 July 2024 11:29:23 AM

Several thousand Coyotes live in Chicago and its suburbs, and thousands more roam the hills and ravines… Coyotes are so good at hiding from human

Parks and open space

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environmentally sensitive areas that are difficult to build on, such as steep hills, marshes, lakefronts, and stream courses, into parks and parkways

Stoking the urban metabolism_ energy and water

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Weak land use regulations may allow well fields too close to industries that contaminate ground water, as in Miami.

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when it is valuable, it is corruptible, a truth that drives the screenplay for the film Chinatown (1974

Sustainable and regenerative cities

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creating Manhattan’s distinctive ziggurat towers from the 1920s and 1930s.

What happened around 1930?

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reduce the total mileage driven by the average individual, measured as vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per capita

But still keep selling new cars. How can this be sustainable.

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The shift of retail commerce to on line shopping and household package delivery adds to net congestion and fuel use.

Avoiding “natural” disaster

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beach house is safer on deep pilings than on a concrete block foundation

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Poor people tend to live on the lowest land with the greatest likelihood of flooding, whether they are in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans or marginal districts in Dacca, and they have the greatest likelihood of being sacrificed to save high-value districts and cities.

Same same everywhere

Climate change and urban futures

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The expectation is that people closer to the equator will find it harder to make a living and even to survive.

Resilience after disaster

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the principal resource available for recovery linked to long term development is the people themselves and their local knowledge and expertise

Same for city planning