




另外一个类似的重大观点是,故事 本质的功能是愉悦,让人觉得提高了认知也是一种愉悦(精神满足)。至于是不是真的提高了认知,这就不重要了,更多的时候是虚幻的。

关于文学,社会,语言 对人个体的作用和反作用,大概就是近现代这些结构主义后结构主义等等研究的中心。我没太看懂。但是我想起了 Le Guin 老太太的 A Wizard of Earthsea,觉得这本书还是挺高级的,用童话的形式讲了个很深的哲学思想。


Historical Variations

Page 33 @ 18 February 2024 10:02:05 PM Perhaps literature is like weed.

  • This is author’s answer to “What is literature?”

Chapter 2 What is Literature and Does it Matter

Page 50 @ 21 February 2024 09:01:29 PM ultimately, (literature) function as a replacement for religion, which seemed no longer to be able to hold society together.

Butler’s Performatives

Page 143 @ 28 February 2024 10:34:07 AM The gamble is that flaunting this name can change its meaning and make it a badge of honour rather than an insult

  • badges like queer, homosexsual

The Subject

Page 162 @ 27 February 2024 08:08:32 PM ‘subject of an experiment’.

  • The word subject is not used this way in Chinese


Page 181 @ 27 February 2024 09:00:28 PM (Phenomenology) focus not on the experience of an individual reader but on the history of a work’s reception and its relation to the changing aesthetic norms and sets of expectations that allow it to be read in different eras

  • I like this idea Phenomenology


Page 182 @ 27 February 2024 09:12:04 PM Structuralism

  • from here, literature becomes less important, it is only part of the evidence