- author: John Williams
- year: 1965
- rating: 9
- rating-douban: 8.8
- goodreads douban
- William Stoner is born at the end of the nineteenth century into a dirt-poor Missouri farming family. Sent to the state university to study agronomy, he instead falls in love with English literature and embraces a scholar’s life, so different from the hardscrabble existence he has known. And yet as the years pass, Stoner encounters a succession of disappointments: marriage into a “proper” family estranges him from his parents; his career is stymied; his wife and daughter turn coldly away from him; a transforming experience of new love ends under threat of scandal. Driven ever deeper within himself, Stoner rediscovers the stoic silence of his forebears and confronts an essential solitude.
- Best fiction I read (or listened to) in 2022!
- 我读这本书就总想到一个词:白描。作者真的就像是素描大师,对于文字的应用就像画家画画时一样,寥寥几笔,云淡风轻地就勾勒出了一个画面。画面里有主体,有环境,但是没有一点多余的,全都是帮助烘托一种情绪的。英语的用词也都很简单,却能有高级感。还有一种抽离感,让我觉得书里的”我”并不完全是”我”,有时候他就是主人公,有时候他是作家,有时候是读者。