


  • played a bit of pirated version when it got TGA. It now has decent gamepad support.
  • Bought on 2021-12-17 on Epic
  • played steam deck version, obtained for only $10
    • Steam deck can customize control scheme which worked out quite well


  • It’s ok to spend as long as you want each day, no need to go to sleep in a hurry
  • the game also may not have a number of days limit. I completed the game on Day 8
  • You can open the attribute page and add some points while in a dialogue. I learned this at the end.


  • A good volume of text to read and decipher and that is fun! Otherwise I wouldn’t have kept playing and mostly reading for 30 hours.
  • 我觉得这个游戏的设定是和现实世界非常接近的,可以说就是把我们的历史现实政治哲学杂糅了一下换了个名字搬到游戏世界里,这不能说是优点还是缺点,这就是创作者的一种选择。我觉得中国国内的创作者很有可能也会主动地这样选择。因为环境是有些类似的。