

  • started-at:: 2022-09-09
  • finished-at:: 2022-09-29
  • rating:: 8
  • platform:: Steam
  • IMDB Douban Steam


SOMA is a sci-fi horror game from Frictional Games, the creators of Amnesia: The Dark Descent. It is an unsettling story about identity, consciousness, and what it means to be human.

The radio is dead, food is running out, and the machines have started to think they are people. Underwater facility PATHOS-II has suffered an intolerable isolation and we’re going to have to make some tough decisions. What can be done? What makes sense? What is left to fight for?

Enter the world of SOMA and face horrors buried deep beneath the ocean waves. Delve through locked terminals and secret documents to uncover the truth behind the chaos. Seek out the last remaining inhabitants and take part in the events that will ultimately shape the fate of the station. But be careful, danger lurks in every corner: corrupted humans, twisted creatures, insane robots, and even an inscrutable omnipresent A.I. You will need to figure out how to deal with each one of them. Just remember there’s no fighting back, either you outsmart your enemies or you get ready to run.


  • 这个游戏断断续续玩了好几年终于在 steam deck 上玩完了,当然是还有个改动是 safe mode.
  • 我同意这个游戏氛围塑造很好,环境设计也很好,一个未知的海底世界。不把音量降低的话也真的很吓人。
  • 游戏玩法、关卡设计是有可以提升的,我都开了安全模式了,很多地方还是摸不着头脑,玩起来很痛苦。当然也许是故意设计的痛苦的感觉。
  • 我就归罪于玩法设计,导致我很多对话录音都没时间仔细听,搞到后来都有点云里雾里,做选择的时候更困难
  • 但是这个游戏比 Bioshock 早一年,可以说在海底城这个题材上更领先。