
IMDB Douban




  • 好的花里胡哨
  • 台湾译名很好
  • more notes added by
  • 2023.1.10 杨紫琼拿到了金像奖最佳女演员
  • 2023.3.13 奥斯卡最佳影片!最佳导演,女主,男配,编剧!恭喜恭喜

longer review from transcript rewritten by AI

The Chinese title is intriguing, “妈的多重宇宙”

Audience Reception and Box Office Performance: The film has received mixed reviews globally. While it seems to have been generally well-received in the United States, it did not fare as well in China. According to Douban reviews, the movie secured a mediocre rating of 7.7 out of 10, while it is top 100 in IMDb. This stark contrast in audience perception highlights a potential misunderstanding between viewers from these two countries.

Cultural Interpretations: One prevailing criticism among Chinese viewers is that the film focuses on seemingly trivial family issues that are considered insignificant in Chinese society. Some argue that these concerns are exaggerated and overshadow more pressing problems faced by individuals in China. Moreover, there is an assertion that the movie does not resonate with Chinese audiences due to its emphasis on American and Asian American experiences rather than specifically catering to Chinese cultural values.

My thought on is is that this movie doe not need to cater to any group of the people. But It maybe initially has the group of Chinese American audiences in mind. But they are a completely different group of people than Chinese or Asian.

Individual Opinions and Analysis: Despite differing opinions among viewers, I find “Feel Everything Everywhere, All at Once” to be a high-quality film that evokes emotional responses. It is worth noting that I also found certain aspects of the film excessive or unnecessary, such as its runtime of two and a half hours. I suggest to shorten the movie by altering its ending without necessarily making it a happy conclusion. Such changes could potentially enhance both enjoyment and value while allowing characters to make regrettable decisions, reflecting real-life experiences.