




了解荣格也能帮助理解 Ursula 的小说。她看起来是荣格的大粉丝。



  • 荣格要是早生一千年就是妥妥的萨满祭司,如果晚生一百年可能会很痛苦,但也有可能会是很伟大的艺术家
  • 荣格还发展出了一套挺完整的人格分类方法,至少比星座学要好多了,就算不准确甚至不正确,可能也还是有点应用意义的。但我对这些内容就不感兴趣,我觉得人与人相处还是感性一些比较好,也许这正说明我属于了荣格的某个人格类别。
  • 对梦的解析这一章也不太感兴趣,跳过了,AI 可以挺好的扮演荣格来分析梦
  • 后面怎么治疗的一章也跳过了
  • 讲荣格是不是纳粹分子的这一章八卦太多,我相对最感兴趣,哈哈。我觉得荣格显然是一个种族主义者,从这点上出发,他对于各个种族都有些“看法”。我觉得大家在新的时代也都还在努力挣脱这种偏见。对于一百年前的人我们也不用太苛刻。何况荣格还是很勇于反省的,而且也没造成太多实际伤害。


Chapter 1

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two ideas which were to become central to the practice of analytical psychology: (1) that part personalities or ‘complexes’ existing in the unconscious psyche can ‘personate’ in trances, dreams, and hallucinations, and (2) that the real work of personality development proceeds at the unconscious level.

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1) that human motivation is exclusively sexual and (2) that the unconscious mind is entirely personal and peculiar to the individual.

This is Freud’s view which Jung was against from.

Chapter 2

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and his most important single contribution to psychology.

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structural anthropology is with the unconscious infrastructures which they hold responsible for all human customs and institutions

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specialists in linguistics maintain that although grammars differ from one another, their basic forms - which Noam Chomsky calls their deep structures - are universal

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sociobiology, has grown up on the theory that the patterns of behaviour typical of all social species, the human species included, are dependent on genetically transmitted response strategies

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primordial images’ (as he originally called archetypes)

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physicist Wolfgang Pauli


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unus mundus, or ‘unitary world’ - the eternal ground of all empirical being

Chapter 3

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a pair of opposites (the syzygy)

So syzygy means this

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auto-Caesarian section

剖腹产叫 Caesarian section 但是实际和凯撒并没有关系,可能和后来的 “凯撒”们有关系

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The afternoon of life must have a significance of its own and cannot be merely a pitiful appendage of life’s morning’

Chapter 4

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the distinctions represented a fundamental difference between extraverted and introverted attitudes.

is Jung the origin of the term 内向 and 外向?

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Even in physics, it has been found that the scientist affects the phenomena he is observing; how much truer must this be in the study of human psychology and in the practice of analysis.

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Jung’s typology is best used in the way that one would use a compass:

or character sheet in role-playing games like Fallout

Chapter 6

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the school of analysis that is carried on in Jung’s name is his chief legacy to our culture.

Chapter 7

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One possibility is that they have not worked sufficiently on their own repressed Fascist, anti-Semitic, or anti-Christian shadows, and enjoy the glow of self-righteousness that comes as they project them on to Jung.

Witty. 反弹式骂人法。